Wednesday 25 June 2014

An introduction...

So, i love to travel alone and love backpacking. Even if i travel in a group, i'd prefer to travel light and go to places that travel agents and tour guides won't put on top of their to do list. And i don't like the fact that we are bounded to go or do things that are already preplanned. Things might change in a blink of an eye for me. And most importantly i really love to travel to places that are glamourous.

There are very important things for me that i MUST travel with. Number 1 and the very must is my Macbook!!!! Yes!!! I need this to keep myself connected and entertaining me when the need arises. Number 2 is my camera. I'm carrying a Sony A33 with just a standard kit lens, but trust me i really do wonders with it. And it's my passion too basically, to be a landscape photographer. Yea, BIG dreams.

So that's basically about me. If you think u are a tiny bit of what i am then this blog might help. Just sharing information right???

Peace, out....

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